Saturday, February 21, 2009

Me and Sara

So Sara and I have talked about making a blog for the two of us but I think more or less I wanted to make it more then her because I think it would be fun to do this, Me and Sara have been dating for almost a year now and I must say it has been the most amazing year of our lives with many ups and downs but mostly its been great we have learned from eachother and its made our relationship very strong and a positive one, We have known eachother are whole lives I guess you could call us diper buddies haha ( Her mom babysat me) but after she didnt babysit me anymore, we kind of like never talked or what not, but we knew of eachother. Recently I went home in april of 2008 after I got back from Iraq for leave and I went to visit my dad and I saw her and I must say it was love at first sight for us both, the moment I saw her I knew that something was there between us and so I asked her out and we hung out every single day for the month I was home and it was amazing we hit it off and everything kind of spoke for itself. When my leave was up I had to go back to Okinawa, Japan for about 8 months til I came home for christmas, the whole 8 months I was away from her it was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do, she means the absolute world to me and was the best thing that has ever happened to me. While we were away we got to know eachother on the phone more and more and we got really an emotional attachment to eachother to the point where we knew eachother so well and its was amazing. We didnt make it official until like a month after I left from Utah to come back to okinawa but it just felt right for the both of us. So as the 8 months past we got to know eachother more and more, and then christmas came and I could not wait to go home to see Sara and the moment I saw her at the airport I just knew everything was going to be okay, we had such an amazing time with our families during christmas, it was very rewarding to be able to spend christmas with the most amazing girl that I love very much, it meant aton to be with her, I got closer to her family and she got closer to my family. We are deeply in love with eachother and cant wait to spend the rest of our lives together it will be the best. We have baby Yorkie he is our kid, his name is ford, he is a very energetic dog and we love him very much.


  1. Cool blog!! That was fun to read.Are you going to keep udating it for us?

  2. Yes me and her will be updating it from time to time when new events happen.

  3. Yea, another blogger buddy! You two are so cute together. yaya :)

  4. Shmoopy! And fun to read! Definitely keep updating it! Hope you are doing well. We are coming to San Diego in July and want to hook up for a dinner or something.
